“No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another.”                                                                                                                                           

We will continually update this list with the most current volunteer needs for all things music and theatre. From field shows to concerts, spring musical to Apollo Awards there are an abundance of opportunities for parents and friends to share their talents and time for the good of the students and school. 


A few observations we have made over the years:

  • It would be most helpful if parents would volunteer for activities/performances/events that their students are NOT in, freeing up parents with students performing to enjoy "the show" i.e. choir parents volunteering at the field show performances and marching band parents volunteering for the spring musical.
  • Many hands make light work. We are able to divide the work into some nice, manageable time commitments if everyone steps up. 


Please consider volunteering in some of the following ways:


Interested in becoming a Music & Theatre Sponsors Board Member or shadowing a Board Member?

Contact us at info@rbhsmusicandtheatre.org





READY TO ROLL UP YOUR SLEEVES? We have a few opportunities to participate or even lead some key volunteer teams. Contact the board at info@rbhsmusicandtheatre.org for more information.